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A Short Introduction

Sudo (su “do”) allows a system administrator to delegate authority to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root or another user while providing an audit trail of the commands and their arguments. Sudo operates on a per-command basis, it is not a replacement for the shell. Its features include:

  • The ability to restrict the commands a user may run on a per-host basis.

  • Logging of commands run, providing a clear audit trail of who did what. When used in tandem with the system log daemon (usually syslogd) or sudo’s own log server (sudo_logsrvd), sudo can log all commands to a central host (as well as on the local host). It is also possible to configure sudo to log the user’s keystrokes and the output of the commands that are run.

  • A “ticketing” system that allows a user to run commands for a period of time without the need to repeatedly authenticate. When a user invokes sudo and enters their password, they are granted a ticket for 5 minutes (this timeout is configurable). Each subsequent sudo command updates the ticket for another 5 minutes. This avoids the problem of leaving a root shell where others can physically get to your keyboard. There is also an easy way for a user to remove their ticket file, useful for placing in a .logout file.

  • The security policy, the sudoers file, can be configured in such a way that the same sudoers file may be used on multiple machines. This allows for central administration while keeping the flexibility to define a user’s privileges on a per-host basis. Please see the samples sudoers file below for a real-world example.

To get a good idea of what sudo can do, you really need to take a look at a sample sudoers file. The sudoers manual explains the syntax in detail.

There is also a nice slide show on how to use sudo in a large, heterogeneous environment by Alek Komarnitsky.